Amtrak Albany to NYCFrom New Rochelle Amtrak station to Penn Station, the train ride is approximately 30 minutes with only 6 stops.

When you travel from New Rochelle to NYC you will get to see all that the big apple has to offer. Looking for things to do in New York City? From Penn Station in New York City, the 1, 2, 3, A, C and E Subway trains are available for easy uptown and downtown travel, with the D, F, M, N, Q, R and W trains a short walk away. Madison Square Garden, The High Line, Empire State Building and Times Square are all nearby the station and a great way to the spend the day in the Big Apple. Read through these other great recommendations from New York City concierges for their favorite attractions throughout NYC.

Amtrak Trains from New Rochelle to NYC

Northeast Regional