Happy 50th Anniversary Empire Service!

The Empire Service has not only survived the ups and downs of the last half-century but also become a mainstay among New York rail-travelers. What the future holds for intercity service in Upstate New York is hard to predict, but hopefully, the high-speed rail service will continue to serve the public.

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Baseball Stadiums reachable via Amtrak

Whether you’re a hardcore sports fanatic or someone who is simply looking for a fun outdoor event, baseball games are an exciting experience for the whole family. You’re not tied down to only sitting on the bleachers, however. You may also enjoy some of the other recreational activities offered by the stadiums, or visit the Baseball Hall of Fame in …

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Meet Marty!

Meet Marty Quinn Winner of the 2015 ESPA Outstanding Customer Service Award Would you select your train route and travel time based on which conductor was onboard that day? If you’ve ever met Amtrak conductor Marty Quinn, it wouldn’t surprise you to learn that he has that effect on his regular passengers. At least a third of the riders on his Albany to …

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