Your Local Guide to Rose’s Pizza and Pasta

Rose's Pizza and Pasta has been a sacred hub for commuters, travelers, locals, and everyone else. You don't even have to leave Penn Station before getting one of the most talked about slices in Manhattan. Go in and grab a slice before or after a train ride, either way, you will not be let down.

It might seem hectic when you first enter Rose’s Pizza and Pasta and there might be a line full of commuters, but one of the best parts of the experience is the staff. Not only are they extremely responsive and quick to get your food ready, but they are some of the kindest people in the service industry in New York City.

Rose’s Pizza and Pasta is directly in the middle of the LIRR floor of Penn Station making it the perfect place for everyone to stop. There is seating in the back of the restaurant that is usually showing the New York Knicks or the New York Rangers game being played above your head at Madison Square Garden.

The Slices

New Yorkers are very particular when it comes to pizza. Creating a slice that meets all the criterium of an NYC palette has led to an abundance of creativity and a surplus of pizza throughout the city.

However, Rose’s Pizza and Pasta falls into the narrow category of hitting every criterion right on the head. The crust is thin and crispy, but not burnt and flavorless. The toppings are not only fresh but properly assorted on the slices. No slice will short you of flavor or toppings. If anything, options like the chicken and broccoli slices are over packed making sure the customer gets the most bang for their buck.

Italian Dishes

There are not many places in New York where you can get a high-quality Italian dish for under $10, but at Rose’s that’s a possibility. Not only is there a ton of different dishes to choose from, but you can also pick your sauces and toppings. One of the top-rated dishes is the shrimp parmesan. It is only served on Fridays and is a real hot commodity for those in the know. It is the only dish over $10 coming out to around $12, yet one of the cheaper dishes like this that you would find anywhere else in NYC.

“Located in Midtown, Rose’s serves up terrific crispy-crusted pizza that is the best of the best.”

—Rebecca H. Dolan, Thrillist

What’s Near Rose’s Pizza and Pasta

It is easier to say what’s not near Rose’s Pizza and Pasta. Being in Penn Station allows visitors free range to the city with a handful of subway lines, and trains coming and going. Madison Square Garden is directly above the restaurant, which is home to the New York Rangers, New York Knicks, and a different event almost every night!