Higley Homestead

Visit the Higley Homestead to learn about Castleton's history in a home built by a local family in the early 1800s.

A three-minute walk from the Castleton Station, right on Main Street, is the Higley Homestead. Erastus Higley began constructing this historic brick building in 1810 and completed it in 1811. The home was lived in by five generations of Higleys and was later left to Castleton College by members of the family. The Castleton Historical Society is now in possession of the building, using it for offices but also as a museum showcasing local historical objects.

The home has four downstairs exhibit rooms furnished by antiques from the Higley family as well as donations from other local families. For example, the Music Room displays clothing and accessories from the 1800s. There is also an exhibit of early sports and farming artifacts. The physical house itself is interesting to explore as well, with its gothic arched gable windows and stenciled wall decorations, both original and reproduced to match the original decorations. Additionally, the shed on the property contains six antique carriages that were locally made. Interestingly, the niece of the man who built the house, named Zeruah Higley Guernsey Caswell, created the “Caswell Carpet” in the house next door. This work of art now calls the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York home. 

The Higley Homestead is open to the public on Saturdays from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Outside of these times, special tours and group tours can be arranged by contacting the Castleton Historical Society.

While in Castleton, visitors can also take in the beauty of Vermont at Pond Hill Ranch by taking trail rides and enjoying other activities, as well as at Lake Bomoseen State Park, the perfect place to relax and enjoy hiking, camping and more.

Take Amtrak to Higley Homestead

Experience this unforgettable attraction via Amtrak to Castleton Station in Vermont—Don’t forget to use the New York By Rail 15% discount!

“Very informative, Highly Knowledgeable Staff. Well worth a Visit!!”

—Richard S, Google

Take Amtrak to the Higley Homestead

Experience this unforgettable attraction via Amtrak to Castleton in Vermont—Don’t forget to use the New York By Rail 15% discount!