Tom Martinelli | Publisher of New York By RailInterest remains strong in Amtrak nationwide especially in New York By Rail’s coverage area throughout New York, Canada and eastern Vermont. We hope this 16th annual edition of New York By Rail provides ample reasons to plan a getaway to rail-accessible destinations to explore unique attractions, outdoor adventures, fantastic events and other fun activities.

New York By Rail provides year-round information to many rail-minded travelers, like you, during various stages of your Amtrak getaway. In addition to our award-winning print magazine, you often find us at after searching topics online. We’re happy to offer useful travel ideas by navigating you to the nearest Amtrak station, suggesting the best connections from the train station to your final destination and providing estimated travel times. Many of you have discovered the ease of booking all-inclusive New York By Rail Travel Packages to popular destinations such as Montréal, Niagara Falls, Saratoga, Lake George and the Hudson River Valley.

More than ever, many of you are sharing Amtrak experiences with New York By Rail. Your enjoyable rail experiences often occur onboard the train, whether it’s riding solo, among friends or with family. We’re glad to hear, through your letters, emails and posts, that you’ve gained family bonding time, seen breathtaking views and met interesting people on the train. One couple told us about a day trip on Amtrak taken for the sole purpose of relaxing with each other on the train.

One of my favorite train-trips this past year was riding Amtrak to New York City with my 10-year old son to experience his first New York Knicks basketball game at Madison Square Garden. Avoiding car traffic and the ease of getting to the game from Penn Station – along with an exciting Knicks’ overtime victory – made this trip even more enjoyable.

Another recent, notable Amtrak-related family experience occurred when my father was honored by the City of Yonkers with its inaugural lifetime achievement award on his 90th birthday. His efforts to both restore the Yonkers train station and as the leading force behind convincing Amtrak to add a stop in Yonkers were cited among his major accomplishments during his six terms as Mayor of Yonkers during the 1970s and 1980s. Dad’s legacy will live on for train riders and Yonkers residents through a special plaque dedicated in his honor at the Yonkers train station prior to his passing last fall.

Now more than ever is a great time to ride Amtrak! Whether it’s a day trip or multi-day journey, Amtrak can make it more enjoyable. Keep sharing your stories!


Thomas Martinelli
Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, New York By Rail

Tom Martinelli | Publisher of New York By Rail

Tom Martinelli | Publisher of New York By Rail

Tom Martinelli | Publisher of New York By Rail